Tuesday 13 May 2008


Kahyee 说叶子还是离开了大树。

听了这句话,感觉叶子就像秋天的落叶,因为干枯了,而放弃了生存的意愿,选择了放弃。也许,叶子觉得这棵树并不适合叶子,还是,叶子不再想依赖树 ,不想依赖树的水,树的养分来生存。人总会遇到这种情况吧。有时候,人与人之间经历了一次又一次的暴风雨后,才发现你身边的人与你有不同的想法,还是有不同的意识时,都会选择默默地离开。从另一个角度看,离开,并不是最坏的选择。毕竟,当大家都无法拥有一致的意识,心也不会有共同的方向。不同的方向则带来许多的争执而已。



Anonymous said...

ending is a new beginning.. everyday, people would have different thoughts and sometimes, it is not that the leaves wanted to leave the tree.. but it is just a natural process.. everything tat starts will ends, and when end, will start..

how would u know? mayb the leaf just wanna be a part of the new leaves, therefore, it drop to the ground, turning itself to fertilize the tree, and turn into a new leaf (virtually). if you believe in molecules, tell ya smt interesting, we are actually living on several different types of molecules. for example, when you eat a chicken, the protein of the chicken are the energy source of your body, therefore, your body absorbs the nutrient, and then the protein became a part of you indirectly.. interesting? lolx..

poyi said...

wow..ur molecule theory is wonderful arh...wish the left will get well soon lor...